Friday, July 13, 2007

Spirit of Mumbai

We all have been well aware of the ladies seats and the seats reserved for the old people and the handicapped Today people know that these seats are meant for them.
Okay…so me being a ladeez (ladies-lady) , I was sitting on the reserved ladies seat. Suddenly an old man with his usual walking stick ,staring at me pathetically boards the bus. And now I,like an angel got up n offered him my ladeej seat. *What was I thinking*.
The bus halts at king circle and a mob of furious ladies all set to kill for a seat boarded the bus. A lady with her massive hairdo and atrocious make up comes making her way in front of thr\e ladies seta where the old man is sitting. “Uncle ye ladies seat hai!!!”, she taunts garrulously. I mean what sort of a person will make an old man who can barely walk get up for a dumb seat!!! All this while I-the angel was sitting on the seat for the handicapped which had become vacant in the meanwhile. So coming back to the scenario: The old man gets up. A sudden urge and I get up n offer him my seat again(the reserved for the handicapped).He sits and all is peaceful.*phew*. The bus stops at jain society-sion. An old female boards the bus. Working her way till the ladies seat she finds all of them occupied by ladies only.Here the angelic me cannot offer her a seat as I too am standing. Then an oldy sitting on the old people’s seat prompts the younger woman besides him to get up and offer her seat. But the woman doesn’t pay any heed. Seeing this the ladies behind her started the work of persuading her.Keeping mum all the time she kept giving looks to the oldy. Then a gujju lady started taunting her in gujurati,then the conductor steps in,and then the whole bus!!!! LITERALLY!!!.Just to provide a seat to an old stranger!!! The woman finally gets up. Its like a battle won. This whole incident might just be funny but its depicts the spirit of Mumbai. One who says Mumbai is a rude city should be doomed…*really*..watchya think???...
Okay so now I’m al set to get down…and one more old lady boards the bus…who will fight for her??;;lolz